[cma-l] Question Re Community Radio Order Interview.

Canalside's The Thread office at thethread.org.uk
Wed Jan 21 12:04:07 GMT 2015

Wonderful stuff Sir John. 


Putting it all into lay-mans terms though, what happened was this. Once upon
a time there was a Community Radio Bill …. The Bill was all nice a fluffy
and had a Utopia outlook to it. Restrictions were put in place because the
‘apparent’ Utopia would look after the Broadcasters. (in other-words – we
would have money gushing out of our ears from Grants and Funding
organisations)         er ??   nope !      if the Community Radio Station
was 100% just community with not really much bearing on the Radio then
grants were possible (what is the point of the Radio though ?)   If it was
just folk in general from the local Community doing Radio, then forget it ….
There are NO Grants for just Radio.


Restrictions were put in place on groups of people who actually needed help
NOT restrictions. The apparent Utopia continued as those in the Ivory Towers
even after 12 months were told ‘’hey guys, this ain’t working, can we have a
re-think please ?’’              more debacles were pointed out as we
attended various AGM’s, Gatherings, Seminars, Get-Togethers at different
locations. You could spot all the Government people and the DCMS people as
they were the ones who were sat on the stage with their fingers in their
ears and a set of blinkers over their eyes, and they were the ones who stood
up and gave us a speech for an hour, telling us everything we already knew,
with then very little time for questions, although hats off to them, they
were very good at blowing smoke up peoples bottoms. In the gathering at the
end of the seminars we all congratulated ourselves on how well we had done
(and quite rightly so)   BUT   without help and soldiering on with a system
that was flawed back in 2005.


Off home we all went until the next time, more e-mails to message boards,
more discussions, nothing happening, hearing the same old tired arguments
going round and round and round, and we all DIDN’T live happily ever after
………until, hopefully now. Too little too late ?  or is it ?      I’m hoping
not and even though folk may have this negative picture of moi’ ….. I always
live in hope, as people do sometimes wake up and smell the coffee.


And the moral of the story ???            Never ever give up and don’t let
blab la bla grinding down and all that jazz


There you go ………… lay-mans terms.


Neilm can hit his delete button again. The problem we have had in this
organisation over the past 12 years though is that the truth hurts sometimes
and folk duck and dive. Standing up and being counted gets things done, not
ducking. I take nothing back that I have said or written and apologise for
nothing either, what is right and correct will see through in the end.







From: cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk
[mailto:cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk] On Behalf Of SIR .scot
Sent: 20 January 2015 20:26
To: The Community Media Association Discussion List
Subject: [cma-l] Question Re Community Radio Order Interview.


Hello Dom,


Community Radio Order.‏




‘Post the public consultation and the unanimious conclusion that the ‘Ban on
Advertising and Sponsorship’ should be removed – why has the conclusion been
ignored and Radio Broadcasters are compelled to broadcast within the
limitations of a “Comand Economy” controlled by ‘The Nanny State’ when
Westminster demands that we live in a “Free Economy”?.


I am mindful of your interviewee, and the probable response to any questions
that they do not understand/have not been briefed on. However,  having been
involved in radio for more years than I can remember, I’m just a wee bit
irked, by this pernicious and protracted ‘Ban’.


As I understand it, (I may, be pleased to be corrected) said ‘ban’ was
imposed on legitimate licence holders to protect the viability of “ILR” –
which is long dead and buried. Replaced by, arguably “IR” (Independent
Radio). Many licensed broadcasters brows would still furrow up at this
‘Disguise’ as “IR”, on a large part, has been consumed by large
corporations, both on and off shore. Which was not really, the ambition of
“ILR” .


The earliest ambitions (that are still fresh in my mind) of the then IBA was
to appease and plicate disgruntled and disenfranchised broadcasters by
offering them an opportunity, not to be naughty and apply for an
“Incremental” or “Community radio Licence” with the alledge temporary ban on
Sponsorship and Advertising so as not to undermine the existing “ILR”


Good times came and went. Many “ILR” station owners made their wad. Then
times got tough and they sold up to the highest bidder on or off shore.
(Including “Incremental and Community Radio Stations became the property of
multinationals). As these “Incremental” and CR stations are now only, merely
and do nothing other than ‘Relay’ another “IR” stations output, which of
course includes “Sponsorship and Advertising” i.e. IR’s and CR’s are already
circumventing the Ban, and the time for “ILR” – “to become established and
stand on it’s own two feet” has long since passed. It seems to me at least
that this inappropriate and pernicious Ban must be removed forthwith – if
only to maintain the credibility of the broadcasting regulatory authorities?


We are poised, if not in the midst of “The Digital Switch Over”?...


Allegedly, “IR” et al are going to ‘Let Go’ of their FM/AM frequencies and
render, some of them to “Local Radio Stations” – AM frequencies at lest?


The question here then,  is ‘Will these new local AM stations be ‘Banned’
from Sponsorship and Advertising too’?


Westminster, who control OfCom (who took over the role of the IBA), who in
turn control/licence UK broadcasting, really need to start to accept that
the proposed widening of broadcasting requires to be ‘Funded Fairly’.


Westminster, is determined that we live in a “Free Market Economy” i.e. “The
Market” (Buyers and Sellers) should dictate the “Market” and not “The Granny


If, Westminster, via OfCom – decrees, that CR and the new “Local AM”
stations must become established, produce acceptable broadcasting that
people want to listen too - of a standard that complies with OfCom licence
stipulations, there Must be a realisation and acceptance that ‘Broadcasting
exists within a Free Market’ and not the opposite: a ‘Command Economy’ which
is controlled and governed by the whims of government - that affords some
parts of a market privileges that it Bans other parts of the market from




John Morrison.






From: cma-l at commedia.org.uk
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:34:25 +0000
To: cma-l at commedia.org.uk
Subject: [cma-l] Community Radio Order

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dom Chambers <chair at commedia.org.uk>

TO CMA members,


The Community Radio Order is due to be published on Thursday this week. I
will be interviewing  DCMS minister Ed Vaizey on Thursday morning. Time is
limited to around 15 minutes for this. I will be conducting the interview on
behalf of the CMA and welcome any questions you might like me to consider
informing the interview. We will naturally focus on the content and
implications of the CRO but this will be an opportunity to also ask about
other areas of community media development.


Best to all,

Dom 1

Dom Chambers

Mobile: +44 (0) 7802 457 396
Direct Line: +44 (0) 1761 568 004 
CMA Office: +44 (0) 1142 795 219
Email:  <mailto:Chair at Commedia.org.uk> Chair at Commedia.org.uk
Personal Twitter: @TheDomChambers <http://twitter.com/thedomchambers> 




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