[cma-l] 2011 Census

lockwood at btinternet.com lockwood at btinternet.com
Thu Sep 23 13:43:35 BST 2010


I've been urging action with COI for some time but we don't appear to have obtained any result. At a time when government cutbacks suggest that COI needs to reduce its spend at commercial stations we should be there - shouting and waving that we have a far greater reach and more impact than the commercial stations - and are so much cheaper.

At the same time the Depart for Business & Innovation are garnering support for a work placement programme that is top-led, results-determined, and is unlikely to encourage people to believe in work. We could provide a national skills training programme that used media as the motivator.

We have a great opportunity with the Big Society as a Statement of Intent.

Don't wait for bureaucrats to find a sloution that suits themselves. We are close to the workface - and we can do it.

Trevor Lockwood
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