[Community Television] Phase 2 - Meeting the digital challenge

Dave Rushton local.tv at virgin.net
Thu Oct 7 15:29:00 BST 2004

Hi (again)

Another reminder to obtain a copy of Phase 2 - Meeting the digital 
challenge - Ofcom review of public service television broadcasting - 
(with the second separate part titled) 'reshaping television for the 
UK's nations, regions and localities'.

This second part of the Phase 2 documentation has received little/no 
press or radio and TV coverage possibly because Ofcom did not 
provide/announce/release it with the main document to the Press in 
London, or so says Matt Wells media editor of The Guardian. So I guess 
what I think is a vital document to prepare PSB arguments for the 
future of local TV was only released in the regions and nations - 
though that's not certain, it was certainly released in Scotland at the 
Ofcom Glasgow meeting. Was it released in Wales and Northern Ireland, 
in meetings in Manchester etc?? Anyway the answers/debating points we 
need etc lie here because the public provide Ofcom with the rationale 
for local TV (instead of regional TV ) - so do read it, and do respond 
to Ofcom on the Future of PSB by the closing date of 24th November.

I'm following this up because getting het up about the PSP initiative 
is fine (which has received the publicity) - but Ofcom actually provide 
the ammunition to address the PSP proposal and to replace/modify it 
with local and neighbourhood services - so in the spirit of true 
evangelism read the good words!!!

Institute of local Television

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