[CMA R] community radio licences and Ofcom's order of allocating

Norman and Beryl Polden haymere at btinternet.com
Sat Jul 9 15:39:20 BST 2005

I run "Flame FM on Wirral" and we, like many other people, are awaiting
patiently Ofcom's granting of community radio licences.

I note Ofcom's latest slip to "all done by late autumn".

Since we are in the north-west, and since there is a pilot station in
Manchester, we wonder whether Ofcom intends to sort out the north-west in
one hit and hence whether we may get some news in early autumn, as opposed
to late autumn.

Does anyone have a feel for Ofcom's order of doing things.

I reckon there are 19 applicants in the north-west : Lancaster, Liverpool x
2, Macclesfield, Manchester x 5, Northwich, Oldham, Pendle, Preston,
Rochdale, Widnes x 2, Wigan, and Wirral x 2.


Norman Polden, Manager "Flame FM on Wirral".

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