[CMA R] [CMA] Lords examine BBC ultra local services[Scanned]

Diane Reid diane.reid at commedia.org.uk
Wed Aug 3 21:19:45 BST 2005


Have your say...

The Lords' Select Committee's first report on the Government’s Green Paper
“Review of the BBC’s Royal Charter: A strong BBC, independent of Government”
will be published in late October. The Committee will then conduct a short
inquiry into specific areas of BBC including religious, sporting and
regional broadcasting and the BBC World Service.

One specific question the committee will be asking is 'Should the BBC move
towards “ultra-local” services? If so, what form should such services take?
Should the BBC provide stand-alone local services or work in partnership
with other non-profit distributing organisations?'

This question is very important to community media organisations, many of
whom already work in partnership with the BBC in different ways. The CMA has
been asking members for their views on and experience of working with the
BBC so that best practice can be shared and the sector as a whole can
benefit. The BBC's move towards ultra local broadcasting has the potential
to impact on other proposals for local and community television so needs to
be considered with care.

The deadline for submitting written evidence to the Select Committee is
Monday 10 October 2005. In the meantime, please keep the CMA informed about
your views on this matter.

You can follow the Lords inquiry via the Committee web pages, accessed from

Diane Reid
Community Media Association
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