[Community Radio] Name Your Radio Station! (Modified by Michelle McGuire)

Daniel Finnan D.Finnan at watch-hillfields.org
Fri Nov 12 13:23:10 GMT 2004


Please find below a copy of the press release for the unique radio
station naming competition we are running. Please include this on your
mailing list.

Name Your Radio Station!
Shape the voice of community radio & win CD Walkman & signed CDs!

A brand new community radio station in Coventry is asking local
residents to submit suggestions for a radio station name. As part of
WATCH (Working Actively To Change Hillfields), the project is looking
for local residents to shape the development of the station and
determine a unique name that reflects the local community. The radio
station will provide a voice for the people of Hillfields and help
strengthen community links in Coventry. Funded by BBC Children In Need,
the project aims to begin broadcasting on the internet before Christmas.
This will enable the currently nameless station to gain momentum for a
4-week FM license in March 2005. The intention is to gather enough local
support to eventually apply for a full-time license a year from now.
Training has already begun in the 'CV1 FratHouse' Young Peoples' Centre
on Victoria Street. The station is primarily aimed at young people in
the local community. It gives them the opportunity to undertake training
and get involved in producing shows. Young people are encouraged to
learn new skills and gain confidence through broadcasting. The success
of the project depends on local involvement. Budding DJs, MCs,
musicians, composers, writers, bands and journalists are urged to get
involved. A state-of-the-art CD Walkman, and rare signed CDs donated by
the Sony Centre and HMV, will be presented for the most imaginative
radio station name. To enter the free competition, submit your
suggestion plus name, age, address, telephone number and email address
to 'Radio Station Competition, FREEPOST CV 2960, 12 Victoria St,
Hillfields, Coventry, CV1 5LZ.' Alternatively email your suggestions to
radio at watch-hillfields.org, or call Dan on 02476 550564 for further
information. The closing date is 5pm 20th December 2004. Full
competition rules are available on request.

Best Wishes,

Daniel J Finnan
Community Radio Development Officer

12 Victoria Street,
CV1 5LZ.

Tel: 02476 550564
Fax: 02476 229423
Email: d.finnan at watch-hillfields.org
Web: www.watch-hillfields.org

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