[CMA_Radioforum] Selector/ PPL

Sattar, Javed (UK07) javed.sattar at honeywell.com
Fri Jun 28 13:55:17 BST 2002

Hello All

Well with being so busy running a station and working leave little time to
do other small things like dealing with grants and copyright.

On the grants side....its slow process and very time consuming, you ever get
days feeling  "why am I bothering in this radio thing" 
RSL was easy.

anyway the other thing happened  this week was
a nice letter from PPL.


I dreaded this when it landed on my desk.
we dont use anything like selector Steve mention
a while back in his email to the group.

and trying to get presenters to fill information is really difficult.
I tried and failed miserably and I dont have time to work out exactly what
is played and duration etc etc.

just wondering now what to do.....!!!!

Here is PPL requesting all this information and I feel the group(radioforum)
is collective on this that its impossible task.

I phoned Jonathan Dyre - 020 7534 1201 (direct)
Licence Manager.

but got his voice mail.

any advice would be grateful. I noticed a few emails came by but I seam to
have misplaced them in my inbox which increasingly get massive by the day.
I think the feeling is the same for all.

Can I ask Nicky to up date us all on what has been happening and who are
actually in the group who are providing usage returns.?

speak to you all soon.

Amarjit, can you please call me as I never seam to get a hold of you.
(07785 566898 mobile)



Awaz FM

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