[cma-l] Making Media Matter?

Two Lochs Radio tlr at gairloch.co.uk
Tue Nov 15 16:18:08 GMT 2011

There is of course a fine line to tread to stay within the law on these things.

It is illegal for a UK radio station to seek to influence the decisions of statutory bodies on any matters other than those that have a direct effect on the interests of the station.
It is also illegal to promote (eg accept advertsing or sponsorship from) bodies seeking to do the same. All you can legally do is report the activities of those bodies in an 'impartial and balanced' manner.
In other words, political campaignign by radio stations is not permitted and, I know from experience, that the regulators define 'political' in the broadest possible sense. 

For example, we were prohibited from advertising a meeting being held locally by a group seeking to influence the decisions of a national conservation charity. The regulators ruled that as the body was established by statute, its decisions were those of a 'statutory body', and so we couldn't promote the activities of someone seeking to influence it.

This means, for example, it is illegal for you to promote or endorse, say, a campaign against proposed cuts in council services in your area (eg swimming pool closures), unless the cuts would specifically and directly affect the business interests of the radio station (eg a cut in grants to community groups).

Just worth bearing in mind!


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Trevor Lockwood 
  To: ian at transplan.uk.com ; roger at coalway.f9.co.uk ; cma-l at mailman.commedia.org.uk 
  Cc: meccsa at jiscmail.ac.uk 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 2:18 PM
  Subject: Re: [cma-l] Making Media Matter?

  I disagree with the suggestion that we should pussyfoot around to accommodate present government policies. After all government's are transitory, and will change tack like the Vicar of Bray - and that's no criticism of politicians. It is their job to reflect the wishes of the people - and it would appear there is a growing recognition of the separation between rich and the rest of us, let alone the poor.

  That movement needs expression, as does the views of anyone else. Our job as community broadcasters is to provide a platform that allows anyone to broadcast. All we have to do is ensure that we abide by the broadcast code and regulations.

  To suggest that anyone should be prevented from using our services is a very dangerous road to travel. 

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