[cma-l] comty radio and campaigning

Julian Mellor julian at 10radio.org
Mon Jan 10 15:40:28 GMT 2011

Just to clarify, this isn't so much about how to be impartial on air -  
it's about whether our on-air impartiality (which we can do) is  
compromised by us taking a very partial line off-air.  At the moment,  
off-air, we have a very large foot in the "save our libraries"  
campaign, but some people are worried that that compromises the  
impartiality of our fm broadcasts.

And there's no funding (aka don't want to upset them) issues here; the  
council in question don't fund us.


On 10 Jan 2011, at 15:31, Marilyn Hyndman wrote:

> .......you can't be expected to have 'balance' in every programme  
> but you can achieve 'balance' across a schedule.

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