[cma-l] BANG Talent needs your vote

Office - ccr-fm office at ccr-fm.co.uk
Thu Nov 11 13:58:06 GMT 2010

Dear All

Another whinge but in my opinion brilliant observation !

First of all I wish any community station the best of luck when trying to
obtain funding ........... however, here's another classic example of a
system that in my opinion is a cock-up ......
I'm afraid to say I'm drifting back into my usual Mr Fairness mode.

Ie:- and with reference to the community radio fund     if there are 100
stations and there is £100 available ...... each station gets a quid

The same goes with the lottery and any other grant for that matter !   If a
body is kind enough to make grants they should then do it under a fair
system. Who has the right to say that our not-for-profit community group is
more worthy or any better than the local scouts or the local swimming club
for elderly people      ???    and visca versa     answer in my opinion  =

So ---- if the Herbert Bloggs Charitable Trust decide to offer £300,000 to
projects which serve the community (in whatever way) and 5,000 groups in the
country apply ....... the only criteria that is relevant is are they
not-for-profit ?   are they charitable ?  do they do what they say they do ?
can they prove it ?       yes yes yes yes .......... then award each one of
them £60

All you need is one chap with a cheque book and a small team of proof
readers to verify that those applying are genuine. No waiting months and
months on end to be told NO .... as you are aware that somewhere down the
line you will at least receive something.

This is my opinion and it won't change ........ with reference to this
voting system ..... we are going from the sublime to the ridiculous ......an
organisation in a village is never going to gain more votes than some group
from a city or large town so going in for it is pointless.

Anyway ... whinge over for this week



-----Original Message-----
From: cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk
[mailto:cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk] On Behalf Of CMA-L
Sent: 10 November 2010 22:10
To: cma-l at commedia.org.uk; comradio-l at commedia.org.uk
Subject: [cma-l] BANG Talent needs your vote

BANG 103.6 has been short-listed for a £50,000 grant from the Big Lottery.

This funding will allow the community radio station to launch BANG
Talent that will offer young people in Brent the opportunity to join a
music-making project to develop their skills and abilities and
celebrate their talents. The project will include workshops, courses,
free studio time and live showcases.

The winner of this funding is chosen by the viewers and the project
with the most votes wins

A TV feature on BANG Talent will be shown on ITV’s London Tonight on
Wed 24th November between 6:00-6:30pm and supporters will need to call
on the night and vote for BANG Talent to win. The phone lines open at
9am and close at midnight on 24th November.



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