[cma-l] PMSE Band Manager consultation - easy response!

Jaqui Devereux jaqui.devereux at commedia.org.uk
Thu Oct 16 13:27:15 BST 2008

Dear all

This consultation closes today, so below a simple response to put into 
the Comments box at the end of the consultation if you have time...

Go to the Ofcom response page:


fill in the email response form - go straight to COMMENTS at the bottom

Cut and paste following

and send

It's a breeze !!!


Ofcom should ensure at least one in-group frequency from each relay and 
transmitter is reserved for TV access.

In-group spectrum can be received on prevailing TV aerials and this 
gives it a special value for TV broadcasting.

Without this spectrum ring-fenced for TV (rather than giving free access 
for PMSE purposes) community or RSL type TV will be extremely difficult 
to coordinate and a random process competing with radio mics etc.

If interleaved spectrum from the main transmitters is not auctioned 
local TV will need the in-group spectrum.

A separate band-manager is required to cultivate use of the 'TV 
friendly' spectrum for broadcasting purposes. PMSE does not need those 
frequencies that have the extra value of being easily received on local TVs.

It is also important that pricing for PMSE users from the voluntary and 
community sectors is kept affordable.  Community radio and television 
stations need affordable spectrum for outside broadcasting and events 

Jaqui Devereux

Community Media Association

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