[cma-l] Incommunicado FM supported by Canstream

Bill Best bill.best at commedia.org.uk
Thu Oct 16 10:23:57 BST 2008

The CMA through Canstream is delighted to be supporting Incommunicado
FM currently running at Sheffield's Site Gallery.

'Matt & Ross' have transformed the  Site Gallery into 'Incommunicado
FM', an in-gallery online radio station. Designed to commentate on
ideas of ownership and commodity it aims to construct a fleeting
presence within Site Gallery, ultimately leaving a semi-permanent
resonance throughout Sheffield over its duration and beyond.

Week one of the project will be dedicated to the purchasing and online
cataloguing of donated music from a selection of charity shops in
Sheffield. Throughout week two the collected music will act as the
soundtrack to 'Incommunicado FM' with the artists, guests and visitors
determining each evenings play-list. Broadcasting every evening
between 13th - 16th October from 9:00pm-12:00am (with a broadcast with
live audience on Friday 17th - 7.30 - 10.30) each show's content will
be based around music from one of the charity shops, with special
guests and members of the public (via phone-in and email) being
invited to share their thoughts and feelings on the acquired music and
issues of both local and wider importance.

During the day members of the public are invited into the gallery
space to explore the collections of music and to make requests,
suggestions and contributions for that evenings show.

During the evening, the gallery becomes a hive of activity,
conversation and music, that audiences can listen to online. Once the
platform reaches its conclusion all the acquired music, now stamped
and catalogued will be re-donated back to its point of origin for
re-purchasing by the public.

Event: On Friday 17th October, 7.30 - 10.30pm 'Incommunicado FM' will
be broadcasting from the gallery for its last time and 'Matt & Ross'
will be inviting member's of the public to join them as part of a live
audience. Incommunicado FM live broadcasts and archives can be heard


Bill Best
Technical Manager
Canstream Online Multi-Media Solutions

Community Media Association

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