[webcast-l] Transmitting info from WI to the UK

John Penna johnpenna asign hotmail.com
Wed Apr 14 10:44:01 2004

Hi All,
            I am new to this area.  I currently have a plan to transmit 
videos, news, music programs etc from the west indies via satalite to the UK

I am currently putting together a plan and need to know a rough costing.I.e 
What servers are required etc.Bandwidth cost...In the west Indies, UK .

The TV station side of things is up and running, what needs to be done now 
is the web side of things.

this is a good idea but I need to know how to go about it.

For example
1)   If 20,000 people logon to the server at one time how will this effect 
2) How many people can log into one server at one time?
3) There will be live streaming and prerecorded stuff. Would It be a better 
idea to store them on different servers.
4) What would be the cheapest and best solution to achieve this.

Any Help would be appricated


John Penna

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