[comradio-l] The latest Tax Justice Network podcast

naomi at taxjustice.net naomi at taxjustice.net
Tue Dec 16 21:16:48 GMT 2014

Hello Taxcasters, please feel free to share, repost etc. Wishing you  
all happy holidays!

Mafia, #LuxLeaks and more scandal in the Tax Justice Network December podcast:

In the December 2014 Taxcast: how mafia is corrupting democracy at the  
heart of Europe in Italy's capital city of Rome. Also: the #LuxLeaks  
whistleblower is arrested and makes his first public statements on why  
he did it, the UK Chancellor's new 'Google Tax', is the EU Commission  
President Jean Claude Juncker backing away from making a register of  
real owners of companies and trusts public? And more scandal and  
unique analysis.

Embed code:
<iframe style="border: none"  
src="//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/3245287/height/325/width/325/theme/legacy/direction/no/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/" height="325" width="325" scrolling="no"  allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen  

Download link to listen to anytime offline:

Listen and share via Youtube:

Home sites: www.tackletaxhavens.com/taxcast

Naomi Fowler

Taxcast Producer

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