[CMA R] Revised webcasting rules

Bill Best bill.best at commedia.org.uk
Thu May 4 17:42:21 BST 2006

A previous arrangement regarding PPL between radio broadcasters, CRCA
(Commercial Radio Association), and PPLUK expired on March 31.

 From 1 April 2006, when a new PPL agreement started, UK radio stations
simulcasting on the internet will have to restrict their streams to the
UK if they do not wish to pay additional fees for overseas internet
music rights.

There is more about this in today's Guardian:

"Will licensing kill the radio star?"

However there are currently no further details about this on the CRCA or
PPL websites that are immediately obvious.

It has been remarked that listeners using anonymous proxies will be able
to easily circumvent this restriction, and that some UK-based listeners
will be blocked if their IP address is erroneously flagged as 'foreign',
for example all AOL users appear to originate from the United States
regardless of location.

It is as yet unclear how much relevance all this has to the community
radio sector however as different licensing models apply.  The Community
Media Association is currently investigating this licensing change and
will report on any implications this has for organisations making use of
the CMA's Internet Media service.

Bill Best
Community Media Association

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