[CMA_Radioforum] PPL and monthly returns

Traynor M (HaSS) mtraynor at glam.ac.uk
Thu Jun 20 13:24:21 BST 2002

Dear Nicky
While most of our music is scheduled and played from computer, there is
still quite a bit which is played from other formats and which is not
scheduled.  Also, the amount of information  we keep is limited.  To keep
track of full music returns information would have huge implications for us
(and other stations too I suspect).  Being very heavily dependent on
volunteers, it would be impossible for us to provide the information with
any level of accuracy.  I think it's very unreasonable to subject us to the
same regulations as well resourced commercial stations.  Do PPL  really
understand what Access Radio is?  If so, how have they got the gall to do
My view is that they shouldn't ask us for returns at all.  We'll pay up but
please leave us alone!

Mary Traynor
GTFM, Pontypridd.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicky Edmonds
To: radioforum at commedia.org.uk
Sent: 20/06/02 12:07
Subject: [CMA_Radioforum] PPL and monthly returns

Hello everyone,

PPL have written to Steve Buckley at CMA, outlining their plan for music
returns and access radio.

They are asking Access Radio stations to supply full music usage returns
a monthly basis, (which RSLs don't have to do). They say that if access
radio stations hold the information relating to the sound recordings
they play on a hard disk, this will be a simple process.

It would be good to know what you think of this. Do you run a completely
computerised system so that all your sound recordings played are
or will you have to use a manual recording method?

What do you think would be a fair way of PPL monitoring the recorded
that you play?

best wishes
Nicky Edmonds
Community Media Association

               Please reply to nicky at commedia.org.uk

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