[cma-l] PPL & PRS for Music Joint Licence for Community Radio

Ian Hickling transplanfm at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 1 14:03:54 GMT 2016

That's very informative - thank you.

But they've left out (or - Heaven forbid - ignored) two important aspects of the responses to their Joint Consultation:

1 - If this is a Licence - as opposed to a Service Charge - why isn't it issued by the only Licensing Authority in the system - which is Ofcom?  PRSfM and PPL are commercial businesses - not Licensing Authorities

2 - Despite many requests - there is still no categorical statement as to why PRSfM and PPL are entitled in Law to claim these payments - and precisely where this is written in UK Legislation.

Sorry - I know I've asked this many times before - but it's something we do need to have laid before us - and by the very people who are making these far-reaching demands.

My feeling is that broadcasters large and small who part with their hard-earned cash before being happy with the answers are rather unwise.

This isn't going to go away.
It makes no odds to us - we don't pay these charges - it's you out there, our friends and loyal Clients, that I'm concerned about.

Ian Hickling



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From: cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk <cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk> on behalf of CMA-L <cma-l at commedia.org.uk>
Sent: 01 December 2016 13:18
To: cma-l at commedia.org.uk
Subject: [cma-l] PPL & PRS for Music Joint Licence for Community Radio

On 15 September 2016, PPL and PRS for Music began a four-week consultation on the proposed introduction of a joint PPL and PRS for Music Community Radio Licence for Ofcom-licensed community radio stations from 1 January 2017 (the “Joint Licence”). This document<http://www.ppluk.com/Global/Summary%20of%20Consultation%20Responses.pdf> summarises the responses received and sets out what will happen next.

This consultation was undertaken in accordance with PPL<http://www.ppluk.com/About-Us/Who-We-Are/PPL-Code-of-Conduct/> and PRS<http://www.prsformusic.com/codeofconduct> for Music’s separate Codes of Conduct, which state that whenever new tariffs are introduced or significant amendments to existing tariffs are made, a fair, reasonable and proportionate approach to consultation will be undertaken.

PPL and PRS for Music initially consulted with the Community Media Association (“the CMA”) to seek its views on the proposed Joint Licence. Following positive discussions, the CMA responded to the Joint Licence proposal advising that it acknowledges the proposed headline terms and welcomes the simplified approach and reduced administration for the community radio sector.

To complete the consultation process, PPL and PRS for Music invited individual licensees to review and comment on the proposal. All on-air stations holding a PPL Community Radio Licence and/or PRS for Music Community Radio Licence and organisations holding an Ofcom Community Radio Licence that are yet to launch on AM or FM were contacted via email and provided with response forms that could be completed and returned either by email or post.

PPL also set up a dedicated area on its website where the relevant information (including the consultation document and response form) was made available to read and download along with a dedicated email address allowing any comments or queries to be submitted. A summary was also provided on the PRS for Music website, linking to the relevant part of the PPL website. The CMA consulted independently with the sector and the responses received were collated and made available to PPL and PRSfM.

PPL and PRS for Music have independently considered the responses received and have finalised the proposed terms of the Joint Licence.

The finalised headline terms of the Joint Licence will take effect from 1 January 2017 and are confirmed in Section 3 (page 9) of this document<http://www.ppluk.com/Global/Summary%20of%20Consultation%20Responses.pdf>.

A summary of the consultation responses, including details of the headline terms, is now available to review online:



Community Media Association

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