[cma-l] Community Radio Consultation Report - Summary ofGovernmentResponses

Canalside's The Thread office at thethread.org.uk
Thu Jan 22 17:17:26 GMT 2015

Is someone having a giraffe here ?????      I have only read the six
pointers sent through to us    re:- the consultation questions. As for the
rest I quite frankly cannot find the will anymore 
 as I said, it gets
dafter the more we wade through it. So what we are saying then is a rule
isn’t actually a rule, it is a kind of licence ??   a licence rule ?    can
if be refused or revoked ?


As for the second bit 
.. good ol’ Bureaucratic Britain .. more bureaucracy,
more layers of time consuming nonsense.


I wasn’t hopeful, it hasn’t come as a surprise, but that still doesn’t mean
I can’t be disappointed.


Correct me if I am wrong, does this mean that the likes of Tudno and Bay can
get £15,000 of paid for on-air advertising money ?  but in effect that is
where is stops and then no advertising paid for on-air kicks in again at
£15,000.01p    ???      who thought this up ?   does Nanook the Eskimo work
for the DCMS ?      Tudno and Bay and the other smaller chaps should be
treated like all the rest of us regardless of which commercial station is in
their midst.


If you read the replies and answers, we are running true to form again,
whereby the authorities technically tell us in a roundabout way what we
already know, but don’t give that magical explanation of WHY ?  WHY NOT ?



I demand that I am told why a small community station operating in a small
area with an ‘’’apparent’’’ small ilr station is at an advantage or
disadvantage the same of course applying to the commercial station ..
because when all is said and done, if the advertisers are difficult for the
commercial station then they are equally or dare I say more difficult for
the community station   it’s all relative   
.. circumstances are as much
the restrictions as the restrictions themselves.


It’s all a half cop out in my opinion     they’ve bottled out.


Oh, and one final thing 

. The £15,000 limit isn’t actually a gift or a
concession because if you throw the community radio fund into the argument I
would imagine the austerity measures mean that ain’t being touched so
actually the £15,000 grand merely tops up the hole that the fund money
should be filling 
.. end result 
.. try to see through the fog   pleeeeease
we’ve got nowt !


Hopefully someone will now post that I have jumped the gun and that the
radio fund is now 2 million as opposed to £500,000      if this is the case
then we have got a reasonably good deal and I award Ed and the Gang 7/10
maybe even an 8.


Go on, surprise me.





From: cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk
[mailto:cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk] On Behalf Of Associated
Broadcast Consultants
Sent: 22 January 2015 16:21
To: The Community Media Association Discussion List
Subject: Re: [cma-l] Community Radio Consultation Report - Summary



A couple more interesting points on page 12 of the impact assessment:-  

*	Community stations will have to apply for (and pay) to be considered
for the new rules.
*	It will fall to Ofcom to review the disregard limit annually.

More details on this link:



Glyn Roylance

Principal Consultant

 <http://a-bc.co.uk/> Associated Broadcast Consultants




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