[cma-l] Community Radio Order

Canalside's The Thread office at thethread.org.uk
Thu Jan 15 11:59:31 GMT 2015

Like I said ... it now simple and straightforward .. or at least it will be
in 4 weeks time. We will only have two options . sing, dance and cartwheel
in the Streets and celebrate or drown our sorrows. That will be the end of
the road unless of course we PUT UP .. or give in and shut up.


The talking shop will have to go in the bin and it then will be time for
action. If people are not prepared to take action . which good be painful .
then we basically have to stop whinging, soldier on and watch others go down
the pan, hoping of course that it isn't our own outfit.


That's it really





From: cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk
[mailto:cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk] On Behalf Of Ian Hickling
Sent: 15 January 2015 07:57
To: The Community Media Association Discussion List; 'Dom Chambers'; Bill
Subject: [cma-l] Community Radio Order


Don't be too hard on Ed Vaizey

I've found him to be concerned and quick to react

After a pointed e-mail he motivated a result with Ofcom on a problem that
had been brewing for months.

The important point here is that if you submit a question to a Minister via
your MP he has to respond in writing within 14 days.

Bear in mind that the question(s) should be polite, simple, short and to the

If the response is inadequate - what do you do?

Throw up your hands in despair?
You write back and point out that he hasn't answered your question.

I agree wholeheartedly with Nick.

Having the word "no" continually thrown back at you without valid
explanation is unacceptable in what we believe passes for a democracy.



From: office at thethread.org.uk
To: cma-l at mailman.commedia.org.uk; chair at commedia.org.uk;
bill.best at commedia.org.uk
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:17:18 +0000
Subject: Re: [cma-l] Community Radio Order

Dear All


I have been in liaison with our local MP David Rutley for the last 3 - 4
months on a number of issues regarding Community Radio. He has passed my
observations and thoughts onto Ed Vaizey. Thus far, I have received nothing
back from Mr Vaizey. I did have a response from him about 2 years ago and I
was grateful for that. But as I have pointed out before, the response was
disappointing at best and worse still     1) Didn't actually answer either
of the questions     and then    2) invented a question which he answered
himself commenting on the money we received from the Community Radio Fund ..
If you put my questions to his response I would argue that the first word
that springs to mind with most people would be '''patronising'''


[ Bearing in mind of course that the fund is exactly the same now as it was
10 years ago and is now only able to give an apple and an orange and a
tuppenny bit ]  it also still has people bidding against each other when in
fact the key word in Community Radio is equality    (and opportunity)
haves and have nots is NOT equality


When you say no to someone, there has to be a reason as to why. People
constantly coming back telling me something I already know does not put
things to bed.


The problem I find that we have had over the past 11 years or so (meaning
all of us) is that we make observations, we represent ourselves well, we
create a discussion with valid points and we back up those points with proof
and good sound arguments and then receive answers that basically (as I have
said) tell us what we already know and then take no action leaving the
status quo.

I'm afraid it is that status quo that has had 'some' bearing on 'some'
Stations keeling over. Ed Vaizey or whoever it has been over the past 10
years   Mr Hunt etc etc are not Ministers for Commercial Radio, they are
Ministers for all of us, and although this is opinion, I do think taking
everything above into account AND the fact that this has rumbled on and on
and on for years and years AND the fact that there are still 3 major
Community Radio Stations in restriction bracket number one, it basically
turns the whole thing into a Circus. The status quo is no longer acceptable,
I for one am fed up of it. I'm also fed up of having to repeatedly write
lengthy e-mails and you are all fed up of having to read them  :-)  LOL


I don't want to jump the gun, and I don't want to compromise anything and I
am absolutely 100% positive that Bill and Dom fully understand the concerns
and have battled like mad to get things done. Dom has been like Marco Polo
travelling the globe to get opinions first hand and see for himself, he is
fully clued up and has gotten stuck in there.


HOWEVER    and yes, there is an however. There must be a Plan B, as I sadly
am not convinced (hopefully on this instance I will be proved completely
wrong / let's hope hope hope so)       the Plan B has to be ACTION, NOT more
lengthy meetings, not more going around the Trees over and over and over
again. There fundamental things that must be done to ensure a safe and
viable future for Community Radio.


1) Restrictions gone !   or at least restrictions focusing on what we spend
the money on and not how we obtain the money. This prevents the Stations
going off at a tangent as back door commercial outfits

2) Licences extended now, so that opportunists who we have never heard of
before don't come encroaching on the success of the projects using it for
their own means.

3) Where there were hiccups in licensing, little tweaks can be made

4) Community Radio Fund larger and everyone receives the same    ie:-   NO
bidding process


Basically, having the word 'no' 'no' 'no' thrown at you without valid
explanation is not acceptable.


To sum it up it is almost as if we have had GREY people hitting us between
the eyes with BLACK & WHITE rulings                when what we actually
need is :-

BLACK & WHITE concrete decision makers who can create GREY areas allowing
room for manoeuvre & common sense.


Sadly, the powers that be have turned a simple straight forward project into
a ball of confusion. A bit of fairness is what is needed.


Anyway, let's wait and see ... I'm hoping that my reaction is the same as
when Rodney and Del Boy received the news in the auction about the Watch


Finally, I hear what Ian is saying, but responding mustn't be in the form of
a question, it needs to be in the form of a statement, telling them what we
will be doing. It will deal with the situation once and for all, and
in-house in our own fraternity it will show those who are willing to join
together as a team / brotherhood / network and those who simply operate the
''I'm alright Jack policy''                always remember the divide and
conquer . works a treat mateys, please don't let them do it.


I await a response, which possibly will ask   ''well what do we do''    I
have a number of suggestions for starters.


Look at Ians statement .. He uses the word '''need'''     11/12/13 years
down the line we are still using the word [need] as opposed to [want] or
[would like] shows there has been a major ba--------------------------lls up
as far as I am concerned.


Fingers crossed . I will be the first to thank and congratulate the people
who make things better for Community Radio





From: cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk
[mailto:cma-l-bounces at mailman.commedia.org.uk] On Behalf Of Ian Hickling
Sent: 14 January 2015 16:02
To: The Community Media Association Discussion List
Subject: [cma-l] Community Radio Order


Thanks Dom

Can we be assured that if it isn't all we need it to be then the CMA will
respond immediately on behalf of the Membership?



From: cma-l at commedia.org.uk
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 14:56:12 +0000
To: cma-l at commedia.org.uk
Subject: [cma-l] Community Radio Order Update from the CMA Chair

To CMA members,
This is to let you know that The Department of Culture, Media and Sport
(DCMS) contacted me this morning.
We can expect a ministerial announcement from Ed Vaizey at the end of next
week regarding the long awaited Community Radio Order.

We'll bring you more information when we have it.

Best to all,

Dom Chambers

Mobile: +44 (0) 7802 457 396
Direct Line: +44 (0) 1761 568 004 
CMA Office: +44 (0) 1142 795 219
Email:  <mailto:Chair at Commedia.org.uk> Chair at Commedia.org.uk
Personal Twitter:  <http://twitter.com/thedomchambers> @TheDomChambers



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