[cma-l] Social media in community radio

Cormac Lawler cormac at radioregen.org
Tue Oct 21 09:06:34 BST 2014

Good morning,

A few months ago, I invited community radio stations to participate in a survey on the use of social media. Thanks to all who have participated so far. The idea of the survey is to identify issues around social media and to work collaboratively with stations to develop the station's strategies for and approaches to social media.

If you'd like support around social media, and if you haven't already done so, could you complete the survey? This is a final call to those who don't want to miss the flight. ;-)

The survey is here and shouldn't take more than 2 minutes. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WL6LYV2

Thanks, and all the best,

Cormac Lawler
Project coordinator
0161 234 2799

Radio Regen
46 Oldham Street, Green Fish Resource Centre, Manchester, M4 1LE
Company Ltd by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales No 3753832. 
Registered Charity No 1077763

On 22 Aug 2014, at 10:53, Cormac Lawler wrote:

> Morning all,
> I'd like to invite you to participate in a very short survey about social media in community radio.
> At Radio Regen, we're getting started on a project to work with a number of community radio stations to use social media more effectively.
> To begin this process, we're surveying community radio stations' current use of social media. This should include a range of stations, from those that make lots of use, to stations who don't use social media much, if at all.
> Following on from this, we'll be working directly with stations to see how your station can use social media more effectively, or how other stations could learn from your approach. If you're interested in learning, or sharing, please get in touch!
> I'd really appreciate if you could fill out this survey. It should take about 2 minutes. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WL6LYV2
> All the best,
> Cormac
> Cormac Lawler
> Research coordinator
> Radio Regen
> 46 Oldham Street, Green Fish Resource Centre, Manchester, M4 1LE
> 0161 234 2799

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