[cma-l] Avoiding sexually-explicit songs

Two Lochs Radio tlr at gairloch.co.uk
Tue Nov 1 15:11:49 GMT 2011


Although there isn't a regulatory/statutory watershed for radio, I think quite a lot of stations work to a self-imposed one.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eddie Stuart 
  To: cma-l at mailman.commedia.org.uk 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 2:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [cma-l] Avoiding sexually-explicit songs

  Its radio - what watershed?


  On 01/11/2011 10:55, Andrew David wrote: 
    Dear All,

    The mood of the Ofcom meeting was very clear - 'fess up to a problem and they'll be as helpful as possible, so long as you can show that you're trying to fix the issue and put robust but simple systems in place.  It was interesting that the mainstream commercial and BBC representatives are also experiencing the same sorts of dilemmas that CR is facing.  So, having paid people to check compliance of songs, doesn't always work.

    Siren FM's policy (with a 9-24 year old focus in the KCs) is, LEGAL, DECENT and HONEST and for safety's sake we do not have a watershed.  It's always (streaming) before 9.00pm somewhere.
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