[cma-l] angst

Office - ccr-fm office at ccr-fm.co.uk
Thu May 26 12:09:35 BST 2011

Dear All


Clearly the advice from Jaqui and Bill to count to three before hitting the
keypad went off piste a bit this morning. LOL


I've calmed down a bit now. People have to understand though that when
something like this happens for us (CCR) it is another diddle diddle on top
of our already existing diddle diddles ......         Struggling for money,
because of the rules, commercial stations bleeding over the top of us, we
can't move the transmitter due to point one . er no money, lack of staff due
to lack of money so editing out things so that someone doesn't complain is
impossible, being under constant financial attack from the two commercial
stations close to us (it appears to be getting hostile)    plus all the
other little bits and bobs does frustrate and makes Jack a dull boy.


It is quite simple really ..... Please think about it before passing
judgement and I'll try to think about it before hitting the keypads.







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