[cma-l] FW: Apprenticeship Slot 8th Feb

Office - ccr-fm office at ccr-fm.co.uk
Thu Jan 27 19:22:40 GMT 2011

Dear All


You may remember my e-mail a couple of days ago regarding the ''no money''
situation and the census ....... In otherwords, the Community sector being
voluntary = loosely meaning    free-ride / gratis / second fiddle /
nonentity / poor perception etc etc .... this situation must clearly exist
!??     mustn't it ?    I continue to rack my brains to find an answer ..
But can't.


I get the odd direct response from my postings, but they are odd. My
personal perception of this, is that I actually hit on a nerve, point out
the facts and the reality ..... I state the things that people are thinking,
but they don't want to get involved for fear of rocking the boat.


My approach is coarse, rough at the edges and at times unprofessional ......
however, as I have pointed out if this is the only way I know to stand up
and be counted, then so be it.. We all have our own cross to bear and none
of us are perfect. I can though tell you that my heart is in the right place
and I am loyal.


With all of this in mind, I would like to send you an e-mail exchange that I
have just had with our local learning zone college. It is VERY RELEVANT and
could be an interesting read.


First of all though, I need to set the picture and briefly give you all some


1)       In 2004 we approached the college to see if we could work together.
After being passed from pillar to post for about three months we gave up as
we very busy fund raising and setting up CCR.

2)       In 2005 we approached again offering training and placements in
return for ' a little tickle'   we were running an RSL ...... as it
happened, they did send us 6 students. We thought the students would be
coming down to our place with a teacher  ...... they didn't, and proceeded
to 'DUMP' these students onto us for 4 weeks ......... May I say, we
received no money at all !                      to make matters worse, the
students had got about as much chance of making it in the media industry as
I have of becoming Prime Minister !         yes they were that useless !
sorry, but a fact.

3)       Another approach was made in 2006 with further approaches that year
regarding our internet etc and then in 2008 / 2009 we really turned the
screw and tried to get them onboard ...... we did even try a marketing
approach as well as the community softly softly catch a monkey approach.

4)       2010 came along and we basically GAVE UP ............

5)       2011 arrives and suddenly out of the blue we receive an e-mail from
their marketing department wanting us to give them air-time to promote the
learners / apprentice weeks.  (we have done this before by the way)


Please be mindful that we have NEVER received a sausage from the college
...... in fact, I would go so far as to say they have been overall downright
rude over the years .not returning calls or e-mails etc         you may not
believe it but these were polite e-mails and polite calls ... I can be very
polite when needs be.... also remember that they have during all this time
been LOBBING money at the local commercial station and local paper etc .....
remember, this is the station (silk) that gets restrictions put on us and we
can't get the money but they do get the money and we are the ones with the
restrictions ............. ER ------ How the hell does that work then ?
(anyway, I digress)    


So ...... this is where we are up to ..... Regardless of what you may think,
we are letting these people come along, and we will continue to do so, I do
a lot of barking, but I'm a big softy at heart .... we always give people
the community ethos .. It is what we do 


Trouble is ... whilst we are ALL doing it, we are at the same time ALL being
treated like something that gets stuck under a shoe ......


 Please read the e-mail exchange now that the picture is set :-
I truly believe it sums up where most of us are at this particular Big
Society time .. bearing in mind that we have been Big Societying it for 7
years already.


I know it hurts, but I would be grateful of any observations or thoughts on
this matter please, be it via the message board or straight to us.


If I appear rude, then please accept my apologies ... I just feel that these
things need to be pointed out.


Start at the bottom and work back. You don't have to agree and if you do
disagree then tell me. Ian and Phil and a few of the others have taken me to
task ovewr the years on the odd things .. I do not have an issue with that
...... jolly good I say               well done chaps ... no hard feelings.





From: Office - ccr-fm [mailto:office at ccr-fm.co.uk] 
Sent: 27 January 2011 18:45
To: 'Vicky Harvey'
Subject: RE: Apprenticeship Slot 8th Feb 




Seeing as it is January and you are saying that the budget is committed for
the next 12 months, does this mean that the earliest you can look is
December ??        as I have pointed out, this isn't just a marketing
exercise it is an offer for you to send some students as well. Perhaps some
who wish to add another string to their bow. Or, do the students at the
college have no courses for radio media ??


We are also in the same boat but with no funds to commit anywhere ??
Just as a matter of interest and with a view to helping us get our approach
correct could you be so kind as to let me know as to why when you were
committing those funds, you didn't consider Canalside Community Radio. This
is a question that by answering it would infact give us some guidance
regarding our 'perception' in the wider community.


Clearly, when you were looking around for places to promote learners week /
apprentice week we were on your radar, but so far as funding is concerned
(or advertising if you wish to use the marketing term)    we were not ....
or should I say we drifted off the radar and out of sight.


For the sake of our future we need to get to the bottom of why this happens.
We do believe it is perception ?!


The perception appears to be getting worse since the government started
banging on about the 'Big Society' ..... The idea that we are miniscule /
small / unimportant / voluntary / free / an afer thought
----------------------------------- we are battling at present with all of
these. They simply are not true.


If you could point us towards any of these or away from these we would be
very grateful.


The problem with the Big Society is that it seems to be saying to Community
Groups like ours that we are a free-ride ...... the problem is, we have
electric to pay, rent to pay, part-time staff and trainers, equipment ...
etc etc          in other-words, when your guys come down in a couple of
weeks time, they will be sat in a warm studio, with microphones, lights on
and broadcasting because we have paid thousands of pounds in licence fees.
If Mr Cameron wishes to pay these bills for us then we will willingly do
everything for free !


Do you catch my drift ??                              in otherwords .....
the Private sector get paid and the Voluntary sector doesn't .... however,
both sectors get bills !


As a marketing expert can you shed any light on our dilema, it would help us
a great deal. Perhaps your Manager may be able to help ??  In otherwords,
Why does a College that is only 4 miles away from it's Community Rdio
Station not run courses for students ..??     Most stations in the Country
(217) have a relationship with their local learning zones and colleges, but
we don't. What are we doing wrong ?        You would be helping us a great
deal if you could enlighten us. No money, but at least some good advice.


Many thanks




Nick ......... See you in two weeks.



From: Vicky Harvey [mailto:Vicky.Harvey at macclesfield.ac.uk] 
Sent: 27 January 2011 12:16
To: 'Office - ccr-fm'
Subject: RE: Apprenticeship Slot 8th Feb 




I have passed the tariff sheet on to my manager as well as the e-mail that
you sent to me. As you can imagine our budgets are very tight this year and
we have already set out what we intend to spend and where, so unfortunately
we cannot commit to any advertising with you. My manager has said that he
will definitely keep hold of the information though to look at again at a
later date.


Kind Regards,




Vicky Harvey

Marketing Officer 


Macclesfield College, 

Macclesfield Learning Zone,

Park Lane, 


Cheshire, SK11 8LF

Tel: 01625 410000 ext. 515

Web: www.macclesfield.ac.uk


From: Office - ccr-fm [mailto:office at ccr-fm.co.uk] 
Sent: 27 January 2011 12:10
To: Vicky Harvey
Subject: RE: Apprenticeship Slot 8th Feb 




That's fine and it is all booked in. We can record the interview and play it
out a number of times also.


On a slightly different front, was there any development regarding the
funding ??        it opens up another avenue for the youngsters on the media
courses and we can provide the training and the air-time ..... we can also
promote anything that is happening at the College.







From: Vicky Harvey [mailto:Vicky.Harvey at macclesfield.ac.uk] 
Sent: 27 January 2011 10:30
To: 'office at ccr-fm.co.uk'
Subject: Apprenticeship Slot 8th Feb 


Hello Nick,


Could we please go for the 11.45-12.30 slot with you on Tuesday 8th
February. The lady coming down will be Liz Delight, she is the
Apprenticeship Co-ordinator for the College and will be able to talk about
National Apprenticeship Week and the benefits of Apprenticeships to
individuals and businesses.


Kind Regards,




Vicky Harvey

Marketing Officer 


Macclesfield College, 

Macclesfield Learning Zone,

Park Lane, 


Cheshire, SK11 8LF

Tel: 01625 410000 ext. 515

Web: www.macclesfield.ac.uk


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