[cma-l] Community Radio Royalties

Ian Hickling transplanfm at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 27 08:42:04 BST 2010

I'm in a cleft stick here.
I believe that people who make music should be properly rewarded for their art - but at the same time the present system appears to be illogical, secretive and unfair.
Has any broadcaster ever told the societies that they're not paying their exhorbitant arbitrary and unexplained fees and to go ahead and sue?
Bill will know that only last week he managed to ensure that a new broadcaster was only charged pro-rata for two months' royalties when the organisation concerned had insisted - would you beleive - on a full 12-month fee for two months' activity.
Peter raises the point about using music from other countries and how Royalties are and should be paid.
As I understand it - and I may be quite wrong - there are parallel agreements throughout the world with other royalty collection agencies.
We provide facilities for stations serving Asian communities and they never ever pay PRS, MCPS and PPL as far as I can see. 
If English-language stations in the UK are required to pay, then why are these equally-licensed broadcasters apparently exempted because their music orignated in another country?
Why doesn't Ofcom collect these royalties - if indeed they are fully authenticated in Law - at the same time as the Licence Fees?
Ian Hickling
transplan UK

From: admin at londonhuayu.co.uk
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 17:16:28 +0100
To: trevor at felixstoweradio.co.uk
CC: cma-l at commedia.org.uk
Subject: Re: [cma-l] PRS Community Radio Licence Application and FAQ - your feedback required

I'd second that -  a very large proportion of our music is from Mainland China, which isn't under the PRS/PPL license. 
It would also be good if these artists actually got paid royalties for their work, since it is so hard to make money from music in China, and since the record companies over there have been so supportive by giving us interviews, etc.

Peter Vautier
London Chinese Radio

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 11:56 AM, <trevor at felixstoweradio.co.uk> wrote:


I was not aware of any stated policy about the CMA and PRS relationship.

In the past I've wondered whether CMA is now large enough to consider creating its own version of PRS, working with that organisation, but achieving economies of scale by having one application/funding stream.

My real concern with the present system is that at Felixstowe Radio we have a large speech content, and we also play many tracks from artists that are not yet registered with PRS. Our output is not specifically recorded by PPL - so we pay them more than we should, and our artists don't get to sniff the barmaid's apron.

Is it true that the PRS boss earns £600K?


----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Best
Sent: 26/10/10 10:38 AM
To: cma-l at commedia.org.uk
Subject: [cma-l] PRS Community Radio Licence Application and FAQ - your feedback required

Hi  Jaqui's not available today to address the issues that some of you have recently brought up on the list as she's attending a meeting at DCMS to represent the sector to the Digital Radio Marketing Group. Yesterday Jaqui was at the "Community Radio and Digitally Networked Business" workshop in Port Talbot and met a number of CMA members there.  On 15 October Jaqui and I attended a meeting at PRS for Music to discuss issues around music licensing for the sector - in particular about MCPS rates which have hitherto not yet been charged.  PRS will feedback to the CMA about MCPS rates when the relevant PRS board documentation is completed later this week.  I'm delighted to say that talks with PRS were productive and the CMA has re-established a positive working dialogue with PRS.  In the meantime PRS are currently reviewing their Community Radio documentation in advance of refreshing it with the new licence information and updated PRS rates. Are there any frequently asked questions or items that station managers are particularly interested in that require attention or further explanation?  The PRS Community Radio Licence Application and FAQ is here:  http://bit.ly/dwnsAF  Please get back to me with any feedback.  Regards  Bill --  Community Media Association http://www.commedia.org.uk/ http://twitter.com/community_media Facebook Fans: http://bit.ly/cog8n5 _______________________________________________  cma-l mailing list - cma-l at commedia.org.uk  Community Media Association - www.commedia.org.uk _______________________________________________  To manage your mailing list subscription please visit: http://mailman.commedia.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/cma-l



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