[cma-l] Well done Alan!

Ed Baxter ed at resonancefm.com
Wed Jul 22 12:03:54 BST 2009

Dear all,
I thought it was a really engaging broadcast and a great idea - to the
point where I was compelled to leave home and catch the bus to the
Plinth. I speak as someone more or less disinterested in the hype
around One And Other and someone who by now one might suspect had
become a little jaded with radio. It was a real pleasure to have a
beer with Alan and his friends afterwards: we went to The Cushion and
Two Chairmen at the back of the British Council where the landlord
turned out to be a Resonance FM fan and treated our group like family.
This after we had been turned away by the security at the ICA bar.
(Lol Gellor to reception: "Do you KNOW who you are talking to?!"). As
I caught the bus home, a well-dressed beggar from Sheffield with an
over-complicated story about bad luck conned me willingly out of
eighty five pence  and an angel occupied the plinth.
Havelock and Napier, who occupy the plinths at the front, are two of
the most murderous figures in British colonial history. One the
subjugator of Hong Kong, who formalised the opium trade and made drug
addiction on a global scale a reality; the other the suppressor of the
Indian Mutiny, whose barbaric behaviour seems incredible even by 20th
century standards of inhumanity. Not good company to keep under
ordinary circumstances.

2009/7/22 CMA-L <cma-l at commedia.org.uk>:
> For those who missed Alan Fransman's appearance on the fourth plinth
> in Trafalgar Square yesterday evening, or for those who wish to relive
> the experience, you may now watch it on replay here:
> http://www.oneandother.co.uk/participants/Al
> And you can download the podcast MP3 here to keep for posterity:
> http://www.canstream.co.uk/sheffieldlive/audio/20090721200001.mp3
> Alan, Programme Controller at Sheffield Live! community radio, used
> his opportunity on the fourth plinth to demonstrate the creativity,
> initiative and resourcefulness that exists within the community media
> sector today. Alan also celebrated the city of Sheffield by playing a
> selection of music by local bands and artists that do not get airplay
> elsewhere. The recent open letter to the Prime Minister calling for an
> increased Community Radio Fund -
> http://www.commedia.org.uk/2009/07/21/open_letter_prime_minister/ -
> was also read out.
> The Sheffield Live! broadcast was heard not only by people on
> Trafalgar Square, but across Sheffield on 93.2FM, across London on
> Resonance 104.4FM (http://resonancefm.com/) and on the Internet.
> Alan's broadcast featured in Resonance FM's "Clear Spot", a slot for
> unique broadcasts by artists.
> Congratulations to Alan on his achievement from all of us here at the
> CMA and from all your friends in the community media sector - well
> done!
> \\
> Community Media Association
> --
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As featured in the Independent on Sunday's Happy List:-
Ed Baxter
programming director
144 Borough High Street
London SE1 1LB
020 7407 1210

Resonance is affiliated to Radia http://www.radia.fm

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