[cma-l] Ofcom publishes reasons for the award of four new community radio licences

Gary Jackson gary.jackson1 at btinternet.com
Thu Mar 6 14:06:43 GMT 2008

Gary Jackson wrote:
Alan Coote wrote:
> Easy Tiger!
> Small commercial station may argue they had been given a license by
> Ofcom so could reasonably expect the regulator not to scupper their
> business plans by later introducing pseudo commercial outfits without
> imposing some constraints.
> However, I believe a much better approach is to level the playing
> field.
> Commercial stations should have the ability to become community
> stations.

Don't disagree Alan, but if a commercial station has healthy advertising
revenue, would there be any point in becoming a community station with
the restrictions that go with it?

I've never been entirely comfortable with the concept of a community
station employing staff.  To my mind,  a community station stops being
amateur when people start earning a living from it. I'm sure we all know
of community stations where positions of significant salary have been
offered, although I accept that those risking their capital should be
able to recoup it where possible.

Sue Williams I think it was, of Ofcom was quoted on a website once
saying something like "Community stations' presentation style should be
amateurish because they are there for the community to use."

My personal feeling is that community radio has too many "commercial FM

Gary Jackson
Dark Side Of The Moon

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