[cma-l] Campaigns

Community Media Association cma-l at commedia.org.uk
Thu Mar 6 10:22:32 GMT 2008


From: Felixstowe Radio <info at felixstoweradio.co.uk>

Politicking is a funny business - we don't want to be seen a madcap 
fringe. We have invaluable facilities available when campaigning - our 
own stations.
Perhaps we should all start broadcasting the same (agreed) messages to 
our listeners, urging them all to write to their MPs or whoever. Public 
pressure will be effective, and is much more so than moaning to each other.
If CMA produce a script then a station could package that together into 
a regular, five minute, slot we can all access and broadcast.
We could cover: The restrictions on advertising revenue are one nonsense 
that must be resolved. As this government lives by Game Theory it 
believes it can set targets that we will obey. As schools and the NHS 
have proved life ain't that simple. A suggestion is not to issue 
invoices but ask for donations (did I say that?). Whatever there are 
ways. Mass protest may be one way.

And: The European Broadcasting Union says the auction of spare radio 
spectrum will reduce original TV programming, and damage society as a 
whole, without even providing the expected boost to rural broadband. 
It's an argument used before but our government wants money not creative 
options that may not repay within four years.
And: rural areas are confined by the 6km radius - my county is 100 miles 
long - and at 3,800 sq km would need plenty of stations to provide FM 
coverage, another nonsense.
So it goes on - and I 'd like that 5-minute slot to promote CMA station 
activities as well. It will help people to understand the power and 
reach of community broadcasting - we serve local, but we are part of a 
wonderful vibrant network - let's make the hills come alive - and tell 
the world how  fantastic we all are.

Trevor Lockwood

Felixstowe Radio Community Interest Company
Registered Number 6419058
61 Gainsborough Road, Felixstowe IP11 7HS

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