[cma-l] £7.5M fund for empowerment

Phil Korbel phil at radioregen.org
Wed Jul 9 13:57:33 BST 2008

Hazel Blears has just announced her Department's 'Communities In 
Control' White Paper...

It includes this...

'We will also set up an Empowerment Fund of at least £7.5m to support
national third sector organisations turn key empowerment proposals 
into practical action.'

This could, possibly, be a real opportunity.... watch this space.

and a small section on 'community media' which includes a great case 
study from BCB.  The section has other good bits - but also indicates 
a bit of a confusion between community media as we know it and other 
non profit media such as CSV/BBC Action Desks and the Media Trust.  
So some way to go yet on DCLG getting a proper understanding of what 
we can offer.

The paper is there in all its glory [and the press conference barely 
over] at 




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